The Meadoway Multi-Use Trail
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, Schedule C
(“The Meadoway Class EA”)
The Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Meadoway Class EA has been filed and approved. The project has officially met the Municipal Class environmental assessment (MCEA) requirements and is now moving into the detail design phase.
A complete active transportation system linking eastern Toronto to the downtown core is missing from the existing trail network.
Opportunities to expand and construct new trail networks in urban environments are typically limited. Hydro corridors, however, have the potential to be re-purposed as accessible, ecologically diverse green spaces that permit active trail use.
The Meadoway will revitalize and restore the existing corridor and establish a full connection between downtown Toronto and the Rouge National Urban Park via an accessible multi-use trail network.
The Meadoway Class EA is divided into two distinct areas of study to assess potential project effects:
- Local Study Area – The zone where direct effects of the project may occur
- Regional Study Area – A larger zone where direct and indirect effects of the project may occur, taking into account the cumulative effects to which the project may contribute
Through previous projects a total of 10 kilometres of multi-use trail have been constructed, along with bicycle crossing signalization at major intersections. The objective is to extend the existing trail network the full 16-kilometre length of The Meadoway project area.
The planning and design of the remaining six (6) kilometres of the multi-use trail and potential bridge crossings follows the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment¹ (Class EA ), Schedule C process.
The Class EA process considers all environmental factors², ensuring that the project avoids (or minimizes) adverse effects before it is built.
Consultation with the public, property owners, Indigenous communities, affected agencies, government agencies and other interest groups is a pivotal part of the process.
For more information about the Environmental Assessment Process, please refer to our FAQs.
The Meadoway Class EA will identify and evaluate a range of potential multi-use trail alignments that will culminate in a preferred main trail route.
The project is currently in phase four of a five-phase process:
PHASE 1: EXISTING CONDITIONS AND OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT • Identified the problem and the opportunity; this is communicated in an opportunity statement. |
PHASE 2: IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE ALTERNATIVE TRAIL ALIGNMENTS • Identified and evaluated a series of alternative routes for the multi-use trail, called alternative trail alignments. |
PHASE 3: IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE DESIGN CONCEPTS FOR PREFERRED ALIGNMENTS • Identify and evaluate a series of alternative design concepts for the preferred trail alignments. |
PHASE 4: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT (ESR) • Completed the Environmental Study Report (ESR), which documents the full decision-making process. |
PHASE 5: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION • Complete contract drawings and tender documents. |
A Municipal Class Schedule C Environmental Assessment (Class EA) was undertaken for The Meadoway, the objective of which was to establish a complete active transportation route within the Gatineau hydro corridor in Scarborough.
As part of the Class EA process, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) was prepared, which highlights the planning, consultation, and decision-making process.
Following a 45-day public review period, the ESR has now been filed and the project has been approved to move into the detailed design and implementation phase.
Download the ESR and Appendices
Public consultation is one of the main components in a Class EA process. It provides an opportunity for the public to engage and provide their insight on the project.
Public consultation for The Meadoway Class EA was held in the form of Public Information Centres (PICs).
TRCA has completed all three PICs for The Meadoway Class EA.
Public Information Centre #1 — April 24, 2019
The first PIC was held to introduce and seek feedback on The Meadoway Class EA and preliminary visualization toolkit.
The focus of the meeting was on the following:
- Opportunity statement
- Existing conditions
- Preliminary alternative trail alignments
- Proposed evaluation criteria
- Preliminary visualization toolkit
Public Information Centre #2 — June 26, 2019
The second PIC was held to provide an update and seek feedback on Phase 2 of The Meadoway Class EA, and on the visualization toolkit.
The focus of the meeting was on:
- Alternative trail alignments
- Preliminary evaluation of the alternative trail alignments
- Proposed preferred trail alignments
Public Information Centre #3 — October 23, 2019
The third and final PIC was held to provide an update and seek feedback on Phase 3 of The Meadoway Class EA, and to share with the public the completed visualization toolkit.
This PIC focused on:
- Evaluation of design concepts for the preferred trail alignments
- Proposed preferred design concepts
- Mitigation measures
To learn more about the Class EA, please contact:
Corey Wells, Project Manager
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)